Travel Medicine

Consultations, Vaccinations,
and Prescription Medications

Foreign travel is amazing. Foreign disease is not.

International travel can be challenging if you’re not prepared. Seeing a travel medicine specialist is the first step that you should take in preparing for international travel. The World Health Organization advises travelers to consult a travel medicine expert at least 4-6 weeks before departure. However, even travel vaccinations given within a few days of departure may offer you some protection.

Your visit to Travel Health Services will include:


Our Nurse Practitioner travel consultant will assess your individual needs, taking into account each destination on your itinerary, length of stay, urban vs. rural activities, and special medical needs. Recommendations will be based on the latest information from the Center for Disease Control, the World Health Organization and the U.S. State Department. A personal travel health plan may include precautions for safe food and water, mosquitoes,  environmental hazards and safety concerns Each Travel Medicine Consultation, like each traveler and each journey, is unique.

customized travel booklet will be provided that will include a summary of your travel health recommendations and safety information for your journey.


Travel wise. Immunize here… Be Safe there.

Each year, vaccines save about 3 million lives.

“Immunization has been a great public health success story. The lives of millions of children have been saved, millions have the chance of a longer healthier life, a greater chance to learn, to play, to read and write, to move around freely without suffering.”
-Nelson Mandela, Winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, 1993

The following vaccines are offered:

Travel related vaccines fall into 2 categories: 

  • Vaccines Recommended to protect your health when traveling to parts of the world where both sanitation and health care are not optimal. This includes the majority of travel vaccines.
  • Required Vaccines are those required by a country for entry in order to protect the health of their citizens from travelers who may import the disease. The most common required vaccine is Yellow Fever, and occasionally meningitis or polio. Required vaccines are documented on the Yellow Card from the World Health Organization.

Your travel vaccinations will be administered by a skilled and caring professional during your visit. You will be provided with an official immunization record to keep with your travel documents. The International Certificate of Yellow Fever Vaccination (the Yellow Card) is provided to recipients of the Yellow Fever Vaccine.

Prescription Medications

When you travel out of the country, there is risk of contracting disease. Our Nurse Practitioner will prescribe appropriate medications to take with you to avoid and treat disease. Our Travel Health Specialist will discuss which medications are recommended for your unique journey and your personal health. Remember, some medications are not effective in all parts of the world.

 Depending on your destination you may receive prescriptions for the following medications:

Malaria prevention. There are several medications available to prevent malaria, each with unique advantages and side effects. Not all medications are effective in different regions of the world.

Antibiotic to treat Traveler’s Diarrhea. Even if you are careful to follow food and water precautions, you may inadvertently contract Traveler’s Diarrhea. Bacteria in some countries can be resistant to certain antibiotics. Our Nurse Practitioner can prescribe the best medication for your destination.

Prevention of Altitude Sickness — for journeys above 9,000 feet. High altitudes can disrupt your body’s chemistry, resulting in headache, shortness of breath, and insomnia. Medication may be prescribed to help your body adjust to high altitude.